目的:分析银屑病关节炎的临床表现、中医证候及证型特点、探讨病机。方法:收集19例银屑病关节炎住院患者完整详细的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:全部病例男女比例相近,高发年龄及发病方式与文献相符;脊柱关节炎型、残毁性关节炎型比例偏高;16例有外周关节炎,以D IP多见;18例关节炎发作时皮损加重;89.47%银屑病为寻常型,47.36%有甲病变;17例血沉、C反应蛋白或血小板明显升高,16例免疫球蛋白增高;14例有关节肿胀、疼痛、局部发热、皮疹泛发色鲜红,皮肤潮红,舌质红、苔黄厚腻证候;证型:湿热瘀阻型13例,痰瘀互阻型4例,阴虚血燥型2例。结论:银屑病关节炎活动期以关节肿痛发热、皮疹鲜红,舌质红、苔黄厚腻为证候特点,湿热瘀阻型最多见,湿热、热毒、血热、血瘀为主要病机。
To analyze the clinical manifestations, characteristic of TCM syndromes and syndrome -type of psoriatic arthritis ( PsA), present the pathogenesis of the disease. Methods : The clinical data of 19 cases of PsA in Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from 2004 to 2007 was analyzed retrospectively. Results : There was no difference on gender in the group. The age vulnerable and invasion way were accord with other literatures. The proportion of the joint of vertebral column - type and the arthritis mutilans -type was little high; 16 cases had peripheral arthritis and the distal interphalangeal joint was the most common form of it; the skin lesions aggravated during arthritis attacks in 18 cases;89.47% of the patients was psoriasis vulgaris; 47.36% of the patients had nail lesions; ESR ,CRP or PLT were increased obviously in 17 cases; immunoglobulln was increased in 16 ca- ses ; 14 cases had the symptom of arthrocele, articulus pain, local pyrexia, generalized and bright red skin rash, erubescence, red tongue,the yellowish and thick greasy fur of tongue. Syndrome - type of psoriatic arthritis : 13 cases were damp - heat - stagna- tion -type, 4 eases were phlegm -stasis blocking type,2 eases were YIN -deficiency and blood- dryness type. Conclusion: The symptom characteristic of active stage of PsA was arthrocele,articulus pain, local pyrexia, bright red skin rash, red tongue,the yellowish and thick greasy fur of tongue. The damp - heat - stagnation - type was the most common type. The main pathogenesis of the psoriatic arthritis is damp -heat, pyretic toxicity, heat in blood and heat in blood.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
psoriasis arthropathica (PsA)
TCM syndrome - type