在固定宽带接入系统中,如何为具有不同QOS要求的多种类型业务流提供服务质量(QOS)保证是一个很重要并且很有挑战性的课题。尽管IEEE 802.16 MAC协议支持对各种类型应用的QOS保证,但是它没有给出具体的流调度方案来实现QOS要求。要为各种应用提供不同级别的QOS并且保证较高的系统吞吐率,必须在此MAC协议中集成一个QOS架构。这篇论文针对应用于802.16 MAC协议中的QOS架构进行深入的讨论和研究。
In fixed Broadband Width Access(BWA) system, providing quality of service guarantees for various kinds of traffic with different QOS requirement is a very important and challenging task. Although IEEE 802.16 MAC protocol supports QOS guarantees for different applications, it did not give the concrete method to schedule traffic to implement the QOS guarantees. In order to provide different levels of QOS to various applications and keep system throughput higher relatively, it is required to integrate a QOS architecture into the MAC protocol. In this paper, we will have a talk about the QOS architecture and investigate in the problems relative to it.