
简化UMHexagonS算法的探讨与改进 被引量:1

An Improvement on the Simplified UMHexagonS Algorithm
摘要 视频编码标准H.264已采纳了"简化UMHexagonS算法"(Simplified UMHexagonS Algorithm)作为快速运动估计算法。通过对"简化UMHexagonS算法"进行介绍,对其特点及造成其优越性能的原因进行了初步分析,并提出了一种改进:首先对两类预测点进行预测,其后对不同的预测区分别进行搜索,并在强搜索的对称十字搜索后增加一次会聚判断。根据模拟实验表明,相比原算法,改进后的算法减少了搜索点数,并保持了原算法率失真特性良好的特点。 The video coding standards H. 264 have adopted Simplified UMHexagonS Algorithm as an Improved and Simplified Fast Motion Estimation Method for integer pel motion estimation. In this paper, based on the study of the principles of Simplified UMHexagonS algorithm, an improved method is proposed:First we check two kinds predictors, then search in different predictions domain, and after cross search which satisfy intensive search condition we add a converge judgement. Results show that the improved Simplified UMHexagonS algorithm can reduce search points and reconstructed quality compared with those of the origoinal Simplified UMHexagonS Algorithm.
出处 《微处理机》 2008年第3期96-98,103,共4页 Microprocessors
关键词 视频编码标准H.264 运动估计 UMHEXAGONS算法 简化UMHexagonS算法 预测区搜索 Video Coding UMHexagonS Algorithm Search Standards H. 264 Motion Estimation UMHexagonS Algorithm Simplified in different predictions domain
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