
高职护生自我评价能力的调查研究 被引量:1

Investigation on ability of self-assessment in higher vocational nursing students
摘要 目的探讨高职护生自我评价的正确性。方法选择我校2004—2006级高职护生117名,调查护生对外科护理学习成绩的自我评价,并与教师评价进行比较。结果笔试与总的操作考试的自我评价均高于实际得分,r值分别为0.665和0.405。3次操作考试学生自我评价均高于实际得分,r值分别为0.346、0.460和0.462。结论高职护生自我评价的正确性并不高,学生自我评价能力有限。笔试的自评与实际得分的相关系数明显高于操作考试,高职护生更善于正确地评价自己认知性知识的掌握程度。学生自评并与教师评价结果比较可以提高护生自我评价的正确性,有助于学生能正确认识自己,更好地为走上社会打下基础。 Objective To explore the validity of higher vocational nursing students' self-assessment. Methods One hundred and seventeen second-year nursing students' self-assessment of their surgical nursing grades were investigated and a comparison was made between the students assessment and that of their tutor. Results The self-assessments of cognitive-based and performance-based examinations were both higher than the actual point. The correlations between self-assessment and actual point were 0. 665 and 0.405, respectively. The students' self-assessments of performance-based practical examinations were also higher than the actual point. The correlation was 0.3460, 0.460 and 0.462. Conclusion The validity of higher vocational nursing students' self-assessment was not high enough, which indicated that their ability of self-assessment was quite limited. The higher correlation between students' self-assessment and actual point in cognitive-based examination showed that these nursing students were good at assessing their mastery of cognitive-based knowledge. It also suggested that comparison between students' self-assessment and tutor assessment could improve the validity of students' self-assessment even the improvement was limited.
出处 《上海护理》 2008年第5期24-27,共4页 Shanghai Nursing
关键词 高职护生 自我评价 教师评价 Higher vocational nursing students Serf-assessment Tutor assessment
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