
柔性神经微电极阵列设计及微加工工艺研究 被引量:2

Key Design of Flexible Neural Microelectrode Arrays and Its Microfabrication Process
摘要 采用聚对二甲苯(parylene)作为基底,通过对柔性神经微电极阵列结构、引线排布、电极材料等进行优化选择和设计,并采用微机电加工工艺(MEMS),设计并研制出了2×8柔性神经微电极阵列,旨在为视网膜神经接口电极的研究开发奠定基础。 Microelectrode arrays (MEAs) are the key components in retinal implant for stimulating neural signals. A kind of flexible neural microelectrode arrays (MEAs) were developed on a new polymer, parylene which has an excellent performance. Some key theoretical questions for the fabrication of flexible M EAs were developed, accounting for electrode structure, lead wire and electrode material, etc. A Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) process was introduced to fabricate the parylene-based MEAs.
出处 《微细加工技术》 EI 2008年第2期43-47,共5页 Microfabrication Technology
基金 973项目资助(2005CB7243022005CB724305) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20070410724)
关键词 微电极阵列 聚对二甲苯 微加工工艺 柔性基底 视网膜修复 microelectrode arrays parylene MEMS flexible substrate retinal prosthesis
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