

Individual and personality alterations: Psychological thoughts from organ transplantation
摘要 人格是个人适应环境时在需要、动机、价值观、情绪、气质、性格和体质等方面的整合。包括整体的人,稳定的自我,独特性的个人,具有身心组织的社会化对象4个方面,人格跨时间的持续性和跨情境的一致性是人格稳定性的具体表现。人格与自我是否会在器官移植后发生改变,目前国内外的很多研究发现人格改变的个案,但并不是常态。人格与自我是相对稳定的,但器官移植确实能引起人格和自我的变化。器官移植导致人格改变是抑制免疫力的药物作用、心理暗示作用或者心理社会压力的结果。少数科学家认为器官移植具有遗传的功能,人体细胞有存储信息和记忆的功能,一些主要器官的移植会导致人格的移植。但各种理论假说均需要进一步证实。 Personality is integrity of demand, motive, value, emotion, temperament, character and physical fitness when people are adapting environment. It includes integrated, stable and specific individual and socialization. Trans-time continuity and trans-situation consistency are manifestations of personality stability. Personality alterations following organ transplantation are found in many previous studies, but these alterations are not normal situation. Personality and individual are relatively stable, but organ transplantation can induce changes, resulting from immunodepressive drug, psychological imply or social pressure. Some researchers consider that organ transplantation is genetic and human cells have functions to store information and memory, so the transplantation of some important organs may lead to personality transplantation. However, these hypotheses need further validation.
作者 汤万杰
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第40期7913-7916,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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