
牛顿在制定微积分中对微分方程的研究 被引量:1

Newton′s study on differential equation in his creation of differential
摘要 目的系统探讨和分析牛顿对微分方程所做的贡献及相关思想的发展脉络。方法历史分析和文献研读。结果牛顿对微分方程发展做出了奠基性贡献:首次提出一阶微分方程的分类;确定了微分方程求解的理论基础;开辟了应用无穷级数求解微分方程的方向;开创参数变易法思想并最先应用于解决三体问题的摄动理论等。结论牛顿的思想和方法对创立和发展微分方程学科具有重要的理论意义和历史意义。 Aim To discuss and analyze the contribution to differential equation and its development vein of differential equation thought. Methods Historic analysis and literature reviewed. Results Newton laid lots of foundation on the differential equation. On the one hand, he put forward the sort of the first order differential equation for the first time and inaugurated the direction of applying infinite series to seek the solution of equation. On the other hand, he started variation of constants and applied it to solve the theory of three-body problem in advance. Conclusion The academic and historical significance of differential equation subject are opened up.
作者 任瑞芳
出处 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期334-338,共5页 Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 全国教育科学“十五”规划重点课题基金资助项目(BHA050023)
关键词 牛顿(Isaac Newton 1643—1727) 微分方程 级数求解 参数变易法 Newton ( Isaac Newton, 1643-1727 ) differential equation series solution variation of constants
  • 相关文献


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