2Simon During, edt,The Cultural Studies Reader, second edition, London;New York:Routledge, 1999,p.441.
3Tumer Graeme, British Cultural Studies : An Introduction, Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990, p. 113.
4Paul Bridgen, Rodney Lowe,WeUfare Policy under the Conservatives 1951-1964,London : London Public Record Office, 1998,p.153.
5John Clarke and Tony Jefferson, Politics of Popular Culture: Culture and Sub-Culture , Working Papers in Cultural Studies, Stencilled Papers by CCCS, No.14,1973.p.9.
7Ian Mcdonald, Revolution in Head, Fouth Estate, 1994, p. 177.
8Stuart Hall, Tony Jefferson, eds, Resistance Through Ritual : Youth Subculture in Post-war Britain, London : Hutchinson, 1976, p. 195, p.27, p.71 ,p.196~,p.236,p.21 ,p.25,pp.10-15,p.53,p.14,p.25 ,p.24,pp.44-45 ,p.235 ,p.48,P.52,p.53,P.47,p.48.
9Dick Hebdige, Subculture : The Meaning of Style, London : Methuen, 1979, p.73, p.87.
10Brake, Mike, Comparative Youth Culture:the Sociology of Youth Cultures and Youth Subcultures in America, Britain, and Canada, 1985, p.6.