

Application of the DPSO in the Uncertain Multi-stage Fleet Planning
摘要 分析航运公司船队规划的特点,考虑船舶技术经济指标随船龄的变化和市场的不确定性,建立基于不确定性的动态船队规划模型,并考虑到不确定性规划求解的复杂性,把带有模糊、随机参数的机会约束转化为它的清晰等价类并根据船队规划问题具有大规模、离散性和整数性等特点,采用离散粒子群算法进行求解,通过实例说明该方法的可行性。 Considering the characteristics of fleet planning, as well as the technical and economic indicators of ships varying with time and the uncertainty of market, the multi-stage fleet planning was established. In light of the calculation difficulties of uncertain planning, the stochastic and fuzzy parameters were transformed to certain equivalence. According to the characteristics of large-scale, discrete and integer, the discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO) was adopted to provide a new way of thinking for large-scale fleet plarming.
作者 苏绍娟
出处 《船海工程》 北大核心 2008年第4期91-94,共4页 Ship & Ocean Engineering
关键词 动态船队规划 数学模型 不确定性参数 DPSO multi-stage fleet planning mathematic model uncertain parameter discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO)
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