本文设计了一种工作在2.4~2.5GHz微波频段的RFID(Radio Frequency Identification,射频识别技术)手持式读写器,并且加入了GPRS模块,实现手持终端和远程监控计算机的通信。该读写器针对犯人的监控设计,主要应用在犯人户外的劳作中,防止犯人远离规定区域。当犯人离开该区域,记录犯人越界信息,并通过GPRS网络,将其发送到远程监控计算机上。
This paper discusses a design of a handset of RFID reader, which works at 2.4-2.5GHz ISM band. For the purposes of communicating with remote position computer, the GPRS model is adopted. With the background of prisoner supervision, thisreaderismainly usedinmonitoring prisoners' outdoor work. When a prisoner leaves work area, the reader will record it and send the message to a remote position computer automatically.
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology