The academia pays more attention to the service geography more than ever before with the rising of modem service industry. However, the study on scientific care and humanistic care of service geography is complementary and inseparable, the service space-time incident of scientific care and humanistic care makes people's life existence divided seriously in modem society, in another word, the aim of scientific care and the outcome of humanistic care about service geography are totally contrary, and the material and spiritual civilization which are contained in the same service activity are moving in the opposite direction gradually.
The difference between the regional and non-regional features of natural geography environment, together with the various living beings on earth, constitues the material essentials of people's desire without limit, which makes the scientific care not scientific one, while the modem techniques add fuel to the flame during the development of geographic environment and natural resources, which turn the huamnistic care to the non-humanistic one. The reality of people's desire without limit is confined to resources, space, and time as well. To restrain the deisre or to satisfy it is a problem, which needs to be taken into account carefully. The desire should be weekened while the development should be based on the living pattern of security, peace as well as stability. This is an extremely serious social and ecological problems which not only influence the development of normal social life but also cause social value system disorder.
The research deems that the key to solve this problem is the vigorous guide of government and community, what is more important is that we should let the people understand the urgency and necessity of self-service experience. This essay aims to integrate the life-guide function of scientific care and humanistic care of service geography through the study on the significance of self-service experience, and educe the academic conception of "Uniform Service Geography" finally. The study plays a guiding role in academic construction and research direction of modem service geography.
Human Geography
service geography
scientific care
humanistic care
geographical resonance
self-service experience
uniform service geography