
高技术园区与工业区之整合 被引量:3

摘要 地区高技术园区和工业区原有产业分工功能,随着日益激烈的市场竞争逐渐转变成竞争关系。高技园区与工业区原有规划目标提供企业厂商良好的投资生产环境,但是生产与市场重迭所产生的竞争问题,将降低彼此竞争力。本文经由探讨两岸高技术园区发展经验,指出两类团区应采取整合方式支撑地区经济总体发展,并提出对两类园区整合策略的构思。 The integration level between High Technology Parks and Industrial Parks reflects competitive capability of industrial structure. The original idea of High Technology Park was founded from developmental experience of Industrial Park. Most of High Technology Parks are planned as a latest technology distribution platform and research and development (R&D) center. Oppositely, Industrial Park plays manufacture role to practice productive technology from High Technology Park and is formed as a local productive center. In many ways, both parks cooperate as vertical and horizon division of productive process to constitute regional industrial cluster. In fact, market advantage force relationship between both parks trend towards competition rather than cooperation. Currently, domestic parks have reached mass productive capabilities and formed industrial clusters. It, however, should not satisfy those achievements becauses most of domestic parks are facing severe competition for investment and market. The phenomenon of both park competitions not only reflects the problems of domestic industrial transformations, but also be concerned with further sustainable industrial development. In the western development experiences, both High-tech Park and Industrial Park usually present different levels of industrial function through integrative planning of productive technology. The external industrial function of both parks should be divided into different manufacture levels to merge a completed industrial group for attracting manufacturers and investors, the internal industrial function turns to layout a competitive and cooperative production chain in order to maintain market value of park. Similarly, in high-tech Park and Industrial Park of Taiwan,the problems of productive competition had occurred before. The planned integration of both parks through specified production level and transformation of industrial park had solved the conflicts between both parks in Taiwan. Those domestic parks should consider integration experience of both parks in Taiwan to improve competitiveness between both parks and avoid those side effects aggravating regional industrial competition and typical transformation at same time. Therefore, this paper establishes productive relationships and various industrial functions between both High Technology Park and Industrial Park. Continually, discussion is made to analyze the integrative structure and industrial division through Taiwan experience to provide integrative suggestion of domestic parks.
作者 关华 曹康
出处 《人文地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期123-128,共6页 Human Geography
关键词 高技术园区 竞合 高技术产业 high technology park ompetitive cooperation high technology industry
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