

On Gain and Loss of a Studying on Constitutional Jurisprudence Over 30 Years—Taking Academic Paper on Constitutional Jurisprudence Published in 'Law Research'(1978—2008) as Material
摘要 30年来,宪法学研究在叙述话语、文献引注、认知模式等研究方法方面取得了进展;同时,在宪政理念、违宪审查、宪法司法化等研究内容领域也赢取了成就。遗憾的是,宪法学者们对修宪主体的人员构成、修宪内容的严肃性、宪法与政党、政治体制改革等问题的探究不够深入。 Over 30 years, a studying on constitutional jurisprudence makes progress on research methods such as narrative discourse, literature reference and recognition mode, achieving success on research fields such as constitutional ideal, constitutional review and constitutional judicature at the same time. It is pity, however, that it is insufficient for constitutional scholars to probe into personnel composition of the subject of constitution amending, the content seriousness of constitution amending, the Constitution and the Party and the reform of political system.
作者 张英民
出处 《宁夏党校学报》 2008年第5期76-79,共4页 Journal of the Party School of the CPC Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Committee
关键词 宪法学研究 研究方法 研究内容 studying on Constitution research method research content
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