
背景线索对视觉客体连续性表征的影响 被引量:1

The Effect of Contextual Cue on Persisting Representation of Visual Object
摘要 该研究考察了背景线索连续性对客体心理表征连续性的作用。采用2(目标客体运动形式:连续和不连续)×2(引导线索运动形式:连续和不连续)两因素被试内设计,12名被试参加实验。结果发现,目标客体在时空上不连续时,连续线索条件下对颜色变化检测反应时小于线索不连续条件;目标客体在时空上连续运动时,不连续线索条件下对目标颜色变化的检测反应时高于线索连续条件。因此,不连续背景线索对物理层面上连续运动客体的表征有干扰影响;连续背景线索对物理层面上不连续运动客体的表征有促进作用。这说明特殊的时空条件如背景线索引导会对客体表征连续性产生重要影响。 This paper investigates the influence of contextual cue' s persistence on persisting representation of object. The experiment was a within - subject design of 2 ( moving type of object : continuity and discontinuity ) × 2 ( moving type of cue: continuity and discontinuity), and 12 subjects took part in this experiment. The result shows that when object moving discontinuously, RT of object' s color change detection with guidance of discontinuous cue is shorter than continuous cue. And when object moving continuously, RT of object' s color change detection with guidance of discontinuous cue is longer than continuous cue. This result indicates that discontinuous cue has interferential effect on representation of continuously moving object on one hand, and continuous cue has benefitial effect on representation of discontinuously moving object on the other. To sum up, contextual cue has important influence on persisting representation of visual object over space and time.
作者 蒋怀滨
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期32-36,共5页 Psychological Exploration
基金 福建省教育厅哲学社会科学项目 福建师范大学福清分校发展与教育心理学重点学科建设
关键词 视觉客体 背景线索 隧道效应 连续性表征 visual object persisting representation tunnel effect contextual cue
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