
福州地区植被覆盖遥感估算及变化分析 被引量:3

Estimation and Studies of Dynamic Change about Fuzhou's Vegetation Coverage
摘要 基于NDVI植被指数和改进后的像元二分模型,定量估算了福州地区1989年和2000年植被覆盖度,得出植被盖度分级,研究了福州地区1989—2000年植被覆盖的时空变化.研究结果表明,福州地区11年间总体植被状况稳定,1989—2000年植被覆盖的总面积增加了98.63km^2,增加的面积占区域总面积的0.83%;植被覆盖度为80%~100%的类型增加的面积最多,60%~80%的类型减少的面积最多;覆盖度为0~20%的类型变化率最大,为42.9%,覆盖度为60%~80%的类型变化率最小,为9.12%. Vegetation Coverage is an important indicator in measurement of surface vegetation cover. According to the NDVI theory and the modified dimidiate model, the estimated thesis of Fuzhou's Vegetation Coverage and the drawn maps of Vegetation Coverage with Landsat TM data in 1989-2000 is based on the results aforementioned. The thesis probed into the research on spatial and temporal changes of Fuzhou's Vegetation Cover between 1989 and 2000. The results show that the total area of Vegetation Coverage in Fuzhou was stable within 11 years. The area of Vegetation Coverage in 1989 was 10919.79 kin2, accounting 91.24%0 of the total area. The area of Vegetation Coverage in 2000 was 11018.43 km^2, accounting 92.07%. of the total area. The total area of vegetation coverage has increased by 98.63 km^2, accounting 0.90% of the total area. The highest increase of the area coverage is between 800% and 100%, and its area is 543.64 km^2 with a ratio change of 33.71%. The greatest reduction of the area coverage is between 60% and 80%, and its area is 468. 73 km^2 with a ratio change of 9.12%. The vegetation coverage is 0 % to 20 %, which has the greatest change of all vegetation types of which is 42.9 %. The vegetation coverage is between 600% and 800%, which has the smallest change of which is 9.12%.
作者 蒋巍
出处 《内江师范学院学报》 2008年第8期81-85,共5页 Journal of Neijiang Normal University
关键词 福州地区 植被覆盖 遥感估算 Fuzhou region vegetation coverage modified dimidiate pixel model
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