Proposes a double cleavage dri1led compression (DCDC) specimen with fibre/matrix in-terface in modc I and analyses the mixed-mode by the boundary element method (HEM).Conducts the experiments on these DCDC specimens for CFRP composites in order to exam-ine the crack propagating behaviour and calculate the interfacial fracture energy at fibre/ma-trix interface. Confirms that DCDC specimen with the hole offset from the mid plane has amixed-mode stress distribution, and the effect of the mode E on interfacial fracture energyincreases with the offset value ; also when the offset value is zero, the mode I stress distribu-tion is obtained Shows the DCDC test is a useful method for evaluation the interfacial be-haviour of fibre-reinforced plastic materials. Concludes that both experimental and analyticalapproaches are needed to achieve a quantitative evaluation of the fibre/matrix interface.