A flywheel energy storage system is designed in this paper, and also the structure of the system is recounted concisely and the charge and discharge control strategy for high - speed flywheel is studied. The control system of this flywheel energy storage system is mainly composed of high - performance DSP and intelligent module IPM, which predigest the hardware right smart. Real - time control charging main circuit consists of PWM rectificati on circuit and PWM inverter circuit. Discharging main circuit consists of PWM rectification circuit and DC lifting voltage circuit. Namely speed- current - voltage three closed loop feedback control is utilized during charging and voltage - current Namely speed- current - voltage three closed loop feedback control is utilized during charging and voltage - current two closed loop feedback control is used in the cause of discharging. Charging and discharging processes are simulated finally, and the result indicates that the designed system in the paper has good steady state performance and dynamic regulation feature.
Journal of Lanzhou Higher Polytechnical College