
教育部直属高校与中科院科技活动之比较 被引量:4

Comparison on science and technology activities of subordinate universities of Ministry of Education and Chinese Academy of Sciences
摘要 教育部直属高校与中科院在科技投入与产出上具有一定的差异性。总体上看,直属高校人力资源投入与中科院基本持平,国家财政拨款比中科院低。直属高校三大检索论文总数和人年均为中科院的2倍左右;专利申请总量和授权总量均为中科院的3倍以上,但中科院的发明专利占更大比重;获奖总量直属高校虽占优势,但高级别获奖中科院占较大份额。它们的投入产出与发达国家相比都有一定差距,因此都需要加大投入和提高贡献率,需要推进产学研融合和政策创新,需要在制定相关科技政策时适当考虑高校与科研机构的特性。 Subordinate Universities of Ministry of Education(SUME) and Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), have certain differences on input and output of science and technology. On the whole, SUME is flat with input of human resources and fewer on state's financial allocation funds than CAS. Three main search-papers of SUME, no matter sum or annual number are about twice than CAS; regardless of total applications or total authorized on patens, SUME are three times more than CAS, however, the patents invented by CAS hold bigger proportion; although on all rewarded quantities of SUME have an advantage, higher --level rewarded quantities of CAS are larger share. Besides, the input and output of them both have certain gaps compared with developed countries, so need increase investment, improve contribution-rate, advance the integration of production, study and research as well as innovation on policy, moreover need governments consider respective characteristics of colleges and universities and institutions for scientific research while developing related scientific research policies.
作者 查道林
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第7期30-36,共7页 Journal of Higher Education
关键词 直属高校 中科院 科技创新 投入产出比较 Subordinate Universities of Ministry of Education Chinese Academy of Sciences scientific and technological innovation comparison of inputs and outputs
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