

A First Recorded Species Boreochlus longicoxalsetosus(Diptera:Chironomidae:Podonominae) from China
摘要 本文记述了寡脉摇蚊亚科北摇蚊属一中国新纪录种——长毛北摇蚊Boreochlus longicoxalsetosus Koba-yashiet Suzuki, 2000。文中给出了详细描述和特征附图。该种可借生殖节下附器远端表面上有两根显著且长的刚毛而与本属其他已知种相区别。 Boreochlus longicoxalsetosus Kobayashi et Suzuki, 2000 is firstly recorded from China. Detail description and illustration are given. The species is unique in the genus by having 2 very long notable setae lying on the dorsomedial surface distal to the inferior volsella.
出处 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期839-840,共2页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 the National Natural Science Foundationof China(NSFC No.30770249,Jo630963) Fauna of China(No.2006FY120100)
关键词 摇蚊科 寡脉摇蚊亚科 中国新纪录 Chironomidae Podonominae China new record
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