
倾斜度及温度震荡频率对三维多孔介质方腔自然对流换热的影响 被引量:2

Three Dimensional Convective Heat Transfer in a Cubic Porous Enclosure:Inclination and Temperature Oscillation Frequency
摘要 对三维多孔介质倾斜方腔内非稳态自然对流换热进行数值研究.腔体右壁面(X=1)保持恒温T0,左壁面(X=0)基于温度T0按正弦规律变化,其他所有壁面保持绝热.采用Brinkman扩展达西模型及SIMPLE算法模拟方腔内的流动.方腔沿y轴转动倾角α1的变化范围为0°~90°,沿x轴转动倾角α2的变化范围为0°~45°,无量纲温度震荡频率f的变化范围为5π~90π.详细研究倾角和温度震荡频率对三维方腔自然对流换热的影响.计算结果表明:当倾角α1=46°,α2=45°及温度震荡频率f=45π时,方腔内的换热最强. Three dimensional unsteady natural convective heat transfer in an inclined cubic enclosure with porous medium is studied numerically. The right side wall ( X = 1 ) of the enclosure is kept at a constant temperature of To, Temperature of the opposite vertical wall ( X = 0) varies by sine law with a mean value of To. Other walls are kept adiabatic. A Brinkman-extended Darcy model is used to describe flow through porous medium in the enclosure and the equations are solved with SIMPLE algorithm. Inclination angle α1 rotating around Y coordinate varies between 0°and 90°. Inclination angle α2 rotating around X coordinate varies between 0° and 45°. Dimensionless temperature oscillation frequency f ranges from 5° to 90π. Effects of inclination angles and temperature oscillation frequency on heat transfer are studied in detail. It shows that the maximal heat transfer is achieved at an inclined angles α1 = 46°, a2= 45° and a temperature oscillating frequency f=45π.
出处 《计算物理》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期561-568,共8页 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.50521604)资助项目
关键词 周期性边界条件 多孔介质 自然对流 三维数值模拟 time-periodic boundary conditions porous medium natural convection three-dimensional numerical simulation
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