

P_3-factors in the Line Graphs of 2-edge-connected Graphs
摘要 如果图G有一个生成子图使得这个生成子图的每一个分支都是3个点的路,则称G有P_3-因子.本文证明了对任何一个2-边连通图G,只要G的边数能被3整除,则G的线图就有P_3-因子。 A graph G has a P3-factor if G has a spanning subgraph each component of which is a path on three vertices. In this paper we show that the line graph of any 2-edge-connected graph whose size is divisible by 3 has a P3-factor
作者 刘清海 张昭
出处 《数学研究》 CSCD 2008年第3期251-255,共5页 Journal of Mathematical Study
基金 supported by NSFC(60603003) the Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education(208161) and XJEDU
关键词 P3-因子 线图 P3-factor line graph
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