WANG Jian was a poet full of talent and rich feeling in the poetry field of Tang dynasty. He was as famous as ZHANG Ji in the field of music bureau poems and went by the name of ' ZHANG - WANG music bureau poets'. His writings much affected the creation of the palace poems in the period after the Five Dynasties. However, for a long time the collation and annotation works for his poems are seldom done, furthermore, there arise many questions about him because there is not any biography of him in 〈 The History of Tang Dynasty 〉. Such questions make the study of WANG Jian' s life story and writings quite lag behind in comparison with that of other well known poets then. But since the publication of 〈 The Collation and Annotation of the Collection of WANG Jian' s Poems 〉 by Mr. WANG Zong - tang, not only the questions mentioned above are solved, but the study works about WANG Jian also are pushed to the front in many respects and a new milestone is opened.
Journal of Huanghe S&T University
〈 The Collation and Annotation of the Collection of WANG Jian' s Poems 〉
study of WANG Jian
an all new milestone