
“后社会主义时代”的正义——Nancy Fraser社会正义概念研究 被引量:3

On Social Justice in a "Post-Socialist" Age——On Nancy Fraser's Conception of Social Justice
摘要 在政治伦理论域中,多元文化主义和女性主义已成为自由主义正义论在当前的强劲对手。以社会批判理论著称的南希.弗雷泽就是以这样一种双重身份介入了这场论辩,提出了有关"后社会主义时代"的正义构想。弗雷泽提出"地位模式的承认"将承认的合法性框限在仅和社会平等地位相关的范围内,用以强调对承认正义的诉求绝不可遮蔽对再分配正义的反省与批判,并据此构建了一种以"平等参与"为支点的"双焦点的正义概念"和""视角上的二元论方法"来表达对当前社会不正义的关注。 Within political ethics, muhicuhuralism and feminism have become the forceful rivals to liberalism. Nancy Fraser, widely known for her social critical theory, intervened the dispute exactly in such a dual identity, and put forward a projection of social justice in a "post-socialist" age. In order to restrict the validity of recognition to the scope in relation to the social status of equal- ity, Fraser appealed to the "status model of recognition" and stressed that the necessity for recognizing justice cannot obscure the critique of redistribution. Thus, a bivalent conception of justice and a perspectival dualism spinning around the "parity of participation" were evoked to give voice to the redress toward social injustice.
作者 马晓燕
出处 《现代哲学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期25-30,共6页 Modern Philosophy
基金 2007年度国家社会科学基金项目"分析马克思主义"的正义论研究(07CKS006)
关键词 正义 再分配 承认 平等参与 justice redistribution recognition participatory parity
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  • 2Nancy Fraser. " Rethinking Recognition". New Left Review, 3 (May/Jun2000)
  • 3Nancy Fraser. Social Justice in the Age of Identity Politics : Redistribution, Recognition, Participation. In: Grethe B. Peterson, ed. The Tanner Lectures on Human Values. Vol. 19. The University of Utah Press, 1998.
  • 4Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth , Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange, trans. Joel Golb, James Ingram, and Christiane Wilke ( New York: verso, 2003).
  • 5Nancy Frase. Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the "Postsocialist" Condition. New york & London: Roufledge, 1997. p2.
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