
L缬氨酸在金纳米颗粒上的变温表面增强拉曼散射 被引量:1

Temperature Dependent Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering of Valine Adsorbed on Gold Nano Particles
摘要 近红外激发下得到了不同温度下缬氨酸在金纳米颗粒上的SERS光谱。温度的变化范围为373~100K,从373K到273K整体强度变强,峰数量也很多。263K到193K的温度区间内强度比较弱,到173K时峰强度和数量又有所增加,接着降低到100K时强度又变低,同时峰的位置也有一些移动。文章对SERS的部分峰位给予了适当的归属,并对上述变化给予了初步解释。 Temperature- dependent SERS spectra of Valine adsorbed on gold nanoparticles were recorded in the temperature range from 373K to 100 K by near IR excitation. We found that with decreasing of the temperature SERS spectrum became more and more intense until 273 K, then it weakened; After that it became strong again at about 173 K, and then the intensity of SERS spectrum became weak when temperature further lower to 100K, At the same time, Raman bands have some shifts. The article gives reasonable assignments to the Raman bands and primary explanation to the changes which referred above.
作者 厉桂华 方炎
出处 《光散射学报》 2008年第3期240-244,共5页 The Journal of Light Scattering
关键词 缬氨酸 SERS光谱 温度 Valine SERS Temperature
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