As a consequence of rapid advancement of science and technology and economic globalization proceeding in depth in recent years, significant changes are taking place in the structure of the world economy.Most salient of all is the surge of emerging economies. The'BRIC'—Brazil,Russia,India and China—are
As a consequence of rapid advancement of science and technology and economic globalization proceeding in depth in recent years, significant changes are taking place in the structure of the world economy. Most salient of all is the surge of emerging economies. The "BRIC"--Brazil, Russia, India and China--are experiencing rapid economic development and integrating themselves with the global economic system at an accelerating pace. This will not only have a powerful impact in the fields of economy, trade, finance, science and technology and culture across the world, but also significantly transfot-m the global balance of national economies. In his article carried in a recent issue of the U.S. Newsweek, Fareed Zakaria, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine's overseas edition, describes the three great power shifts over the past six centuries: The first one was the rise of the Western World around the 15m century; the second one, which took place in the closing years of the 19th century, was the rise of the United States; and the third is the current shift characterized by the rise of emerging powers other than the United States, which will usher in a "post-U.S. era".