
理性行为理论及其拓展研究的现状与展望 被引量:101

Theory of Reasoned Action and Its Extending Researches
摘要 作为一种广泛地用于预测多种多样的社会行为的权威理论,理性行为理论(Theory of Reasoned Action,TRA)已经被大量的学者进行了拓展。根据研究视角的差异性,现有的这些对理性行为理论进行拓展的研究被归结为三类,理性行为理论自身的深化研究;理性行为理论适用性的拓展研究;理性行为理论模型的拓展研究。这三类研究首先被系统地总结和分析,然后在分析现有研究的不足的基础上,理性行为理论进一步拓展研究的方向被提出来,期望以此推动理性行为理论在国内的进一步开展。 As a widely adopted authoritative theory, the theory of reasoned action (TRA) has been extended widely by many researchers. In this paper, literatures about theory of reasoned action are reviewed from three perspectives as following: the literatures about TRA deepening, the literatures about TRA applying in different fields, the literatures about of TRA extending. Then, possible future research fields are put out.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期796-802,共7页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目"互联网环境下的关系营销理论创新研究"资助(70532006)
关键词 行为意向 态度 过去行为 情感 behavior intention, attitude, past behavior, emotion.
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