During the Sixteen-State period,ethnic minorities such as xiongnu and xianbei set up a group of separatist regimes in northern China.The dark years of war then led to serious social poverty,sharp livelihood decline,big economic recession and severe cultural damage.Along with the rise and fall of these regimes,the people of all ethnic groups,active or passive,were pushed into the flow of migration in a large-scale,which brought about the unprecedented national exchange and integration in the Chinese history.At that time,Buddhism in China had already laid a considerable foundation.Almost all those regimes treated monks courteously,worshiped Buddha,built temples,organized Buddhist classics(Tripitaka)translation,and supported the development of Buddhism.Thus,the national migration and integration promoted the spread of Buddhism with the boom,and made the foundation of subsequent prosperity of Chinese Buddhism.Meanwhile,Buddhism also became a spiritual link of all ethnic groups,and a bridge of all ethnic minorities to accept the Han advanced culture,thus making great contributions to the exchange and integration of various nationalities,and to the development and consolidation of the big Chinese nation.
Journal of Chinese Literature and History