

A Congestion Control Algorithm Based on the Awareness of Multistage Resources
摘要 拥塞控制是组成IP QoS的重要部分,传统的拥塞控制算法主要是通过对本地的资源拥塞信息来进行拥塞状态的判定和丢弃决策,而这有可能会导致带宽浪费问题。通过对基于网络处理器的路由器的多阶段拥塞控制时机分析,本文提出一个多阶段资源感知算法CC-AMR,并在路由器上进行了具体的实现和性能测试。结果表明,该算法可以在拥塞发生时有效地提高系统的性能。 Congestion control is an important part of IP QoS. The traditional congestion control algorithms judge the net-work congestion status and make drop decisions mainly according to the congestion information of local buffer resources. This causes the bandwidth-wasting problem when data flow congestion happens. The paper analyzes the problem theoretically and proposes a new congestion control algorithm (CC-AMR) based on the awareness of the congestion status of multistage resources. The CC-AMR has been implemented and tested on a core router which is implemented based on network processors. Results show that this algorithm can enhance the total throughput of the router effectivdy during the period of congestion.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 2008年第9期4-7,14,共5页 Computer Engineering & Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(90604006) 国家973计划资助项目(2003CB314802)
关键词 拥塞控制 多阶段资源感知 网络处理器 congestion control awareness of multistage resources network processor
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