
人鼻气流动力学研究仿真模型的建立与应用 被引量:5

Model of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses created for studying the dynamics of the nasal airflow
摘要 目的研制鼻腔鼻窦仿真模型,并验证其在鼻气流动力学实验研究中的可行性和可靠性。方法①用正常成人鼻腔鼻窦作为灌注模板,以透明树脂和琼脂为灌注材料,制作出鼻腔鼻窦透明仿真树脂模型;②用鼻内镜检查和CT扫描确定模型内部结构符合人鼻腔鼻窦正常形态与结构;③用鼻声反射仪检测确定模型的截面积和容积曲线并与正常人鼻声反射结果比较;④使用摄像机记录烟雾在鼻腔鼻窦模型内的流动方式与分布范围,以检测其透明性和直观性,其结果可经计算机处理。结果成功制作出鼻腔鼻窦模型。模型具有仿真性强、透明性高的特点。模型的内部结构、形态、声反射图形与正常人鼻腔鼻窦检查与测试结果相近。从外部可观测烟雾在鼻腔鼻窦模型内的走向与分布,并可用高速摄像机记录。鼻吸入气流以两种主要流动方式到达后鼻孔:气流流过鼻阈后,大部分气流直接冲击中鼻甲前端,在中鼻甲前端形成漩涡;气流大部分经总鼻道和中、下鼻道呈半弧线型,小部分经鼻腔中上部呈抛物线型到达后鼻孔。快速吸气时鼻腔中上部的气流迅速增加;在鼻阈后中鼻甲前端和鼻咽部两处气流出现漩涡。呼吸时气流可直接进入上颌窦,呼吸时上颌窦内的气流均形成漩涡。结论①研制的仿真透明树脂鼻腔鼻窦模型可用于鼻气流动力学的实验研究;②鼻吸入气流以两种主要流动方式到达后鼻孔:大部分经总鼻道和中、下鼻道,小部分呈抛物线型经鼻腔中上部;③鼻吸入气流主要冲击部位是中鼻甲前端和下鼻甲,呼吸时上颌窦内的气流均形成漩涡。 Objective To create a model from an adult cadaver's nasal cavity and verify whether it can be used to study the airflow dynamics in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Methods ( 1 ) The model was made by the material of transparent resin and Bengal gelatin according to a nasal cast of a cadaver. (2)The model was check by Acoustic Rhino-meter, CT scan and nasal endoscope, then compared with the normal. (3)To observe the smoke flow in the model and record it by a digital camera. Results It was succeeded in creating a model of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus. The model was good at simulation and transparency. The structure of the model, the cross-sectional areas of the nasal passage and the CT scan results of the model were similar to the normal. The airflows in the model could be recorded by a digital camera. It showed that there were two types of airflows in the nose. The majority of airflows were found in the common and middle nasal meatus, the little part of the airflows passed through the upper of the nose like a parabola. There was an increasing proportion of airflows in the olfactory region when elevated the airflow rates. A relatively large vortex formed in the upper part of the nose, just behind the nasal valve, and another one was in the pharynx nasals. Conclusions ( 1 ) The transparent resin and Bengal gelatin are suitable for making the model of the nose. The model can be used to study the airflows dynamics of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. ( 2 ) The majority of inspired airflows go straightly to the pharynx nasals through the combined middle and inferior airways, a little part of inspired airflows through the olfactory region like a parabola. ( 3 ) The inspired airflows first arrived at the front position of the middle and inferior turbinate. The airflows can go into the maxillary sinus, a vortex can be see in the maxillary sinus during breath.
作者 江广理 许庚
出处 《中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期665-669,共5页 Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
关键词 模型 解剖学 鼻腔 鼻窦 空气流动 Model anatomic Nasal cavity Paranasal sinuses Air movements
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