
不同年龄组成年男性上气道及周围组织磁共振影像的测量 被引量:10

Magnetic resonance imaging survey of the upper airway in different age non-snoring males
摘要 目的探讨不同年龄组无鼾男性上气道及周围组织的特征。方法114例22-78岁无鼾男性,青年组(22—29岁)30例,中年组(36—57岁)53例,老年组(70—78岁)31例,均行上气道及周围组织MR/扫描。结果老年组的鼻咽测量指标与青年组、中年组差异较明显(P值均〈0.01),如鼻咽体积(7.81±1.59)cm3(x±s,以下同)较青年组(4.89±1.20)cm3和中年组(6.06±2.07)cm。都明显增大。老年组腭咽、舌咽、喉咽的前后径/左右径的比值较小(P值均〈0.01),其中以腭咽为甚(老年组为0.46±0.14,青年和中年组分别为0.57±0.14和0.59±0.14)。此外老年组腭咽、舌咽、喉咽的最小截面积/最大截面积的比值也较中青年明显减小(P值均〈0.01或0.05)。老年组上气道后、侧壁厚度较薄;软腭体积、脂肪垫体积较大。结论随年龄增加,呈现出脂肪沉积等使上气道变小的生理变化,而鼻咽大、上气道截面扁宽似乎是抵抗不利生理变化,保持无睡眠呼吸障碍的形态学优势。 Objective To investigate the morphology characters of upper airway and its surrounding tissues in different age non-snoring males. Methods Total of 114 non-snoring males, with age-range from 22 to 78 year old, were included in this study. They were divided into 3 groups: 30 in younger group (22 - 29 years old), 57 in middle-aged group(36 -57 years old) ,and 31 in aged group(70 -78 years old). All subjects had magaaetie resonance imaging scanning. Results (1)The nasopharynx in aged group was statistically different from that of the younger group and the middle aged group. The volume of nasopharynx in aged group(7. 81 ±1.59) cm3 (x± s, same hereinafter) is greater than that in younger group(4. 89 ± 1.20) cm3 and middle aged groups (6. 06 ±2. 07 )cm3. (2)The AP diameter/transverse diameter of velopharynx, glossopharynx and laryngopharynx in the aged group tended to be smaller. The average value of AP diameter/transverse diameter of velopharynx in aged group is 0. 46 ± 0. 14 ,while the value is 0. 59 ± 0. 14 and 0. 57 ± 0. 14 in middle and young groups respectively, compared with that of the aged group, there is statistical diffrence(P 〈0. 01 ). Further more, the min/max section area of velopharynx, glossopharynx, laryngopharynx in aged group are smaller than that of young group and midlife groups. (3) The aged group had the thinnest thickness of posterior and lateral velopharyngeal walls, but the largest volume of soft palate and fat-pads among all groups. Conclusions In non-snoring males, there is more fat deposition around the upper airway with aging. While the large nasopharynx and large transverse diameter of upper airway seem to balance the disadvantaged changes and to benefit the their sleep respiration.
出处 《中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期676-680,共5页 Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
基金 国家自然科学基金(30070822)
关键词 成年人 男人 解剖学 磁共振成像 Adult Men Pharynx Anatomy Magnetic resonance imaging
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