
高温合金循环蠕变实验 被引量:2

Cyclic Creep Experimentation of Superalloy
摘要 本文利用装配有EDC数字控制器的高温电子蠕变试验机开展了一种镍基高温合金的循环蠕变实验。结果表明与恒载荷静态蠕变相比,两种方式(矩形波和锯齿波)载荷循环降低了合金蠕变寿命,但对蠕变塑性并没有影响。 The cyclic creep tests of a Nickel-base superalloy has been conducted on a High Temperature Electrical Creep Machine equipped with an External Digital Controler (EDC). Compared with the constant load creep, the cyclic load in the square and sawtooth waveforms reduces the creep life, but has no effect on the creep ductility of the testing alloy.
出处 《工程与试验》 2008年第3期24-28,共5页 Engineering and Test
关键词 高温合金 循环蠕变实验 循环载荷 superalloy cyclic creep test cyclic load
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