
对“以学习教育过程为中心”的大学英语教学改革的调查与分析 被引量:7

A Survey and Analysis of Learning-Process-Centered Reform of College English Education
摘要 本研究调查分析了西安交通大学大学英语教学改革中学生对"以学习教育过程为中心"的认识和认可度、所取得的教学效果及存在的问题,并对其进行了定量和定性分析。结果表明:1)学生基本认可以过程为中心的大学英语教学改革,认可英语教学和改革应该以过程为中心,技能获得为重点;2)学生虽基本认可以过程为中心的大学英语教学改革,但认为该教学改革的重心不是过程而是结果,即四级过关率,这与研究人员的设想有分歧;3)学生对自己语言能力提高的具体方面与研究者的预想有出入,学生认为教改还是以教师为中心,学生的自主性发挥不多。 In the present study, we have investigated students' perception and degree of recognition of our university' s English education reform with the learning-process-centered teaching notion and looked into the positive effects and problems of the reform as well. An extensive survey by questionnaire and interviews was conducted and a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results of the survey was performed. The results of the analysis indicate that the subjects basically recognize the success of the English teaching reform centered on learning process and agree that college English teaching and its reform should be centered on the language acquisition process with an emphasis on acquisition of language skills. However, the results also indicate that the subjects disagree with the teachers and reformers on what the center of the reform was. They mostly think the reform they undergo is result-centered rather than process-centered. Namely, the focus was CET-4. There are also some significant differences observed between the subjects and the reformers and teachers in what language skills the subjects have improved most. The results indicate that the reform was teacher-centered and the students' learning autonomy was not initiated substantially.
作者 张则玫
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期54-58,共5页 Foreign Language Education
基金 教育部"以‘学习教育过程为中心’(LEC)的教学理论与实践"项目的部分研究成果
关键词 过程 结果 中心 认可 教学改革 process result center recognition teaching reform
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