
车祸致眼外伤418例临床分析 被引量:3

The trentment of 418 cases of eye trauma by car accident
摘要 目的探讨车祸致眼外伤的发生、发展规律及防治方法。方法对418例(517眼)车祸致眼外伤进行回顾性总结。结果车祸致眼外伤中青壮年多,复合伤多,双眼伤多,眶前壁骨折多,视神经损伤多。418例(517眼)中4例(7眼)因合并身体其他部位严重损伤死亡,20眼因伤势过重未保留眼球,65眼视力恢复至0.2以内,94眼视力恢复至0.3~0.5,212眼恢复至0.6~0.8,119眼恢复至0.8以上。结论车祸眼外伤应以预防为主,复合伤应密切注意全身状况,眶前部外伤应重视视神经损伤的诊断和治疗,双眼严重伤眼球的取舍要慎重,面部外伤应采用无创处理,减少瘢痕的形成。 Objective To determine the occurrence, develop- ment and treatment of the ocular injury by car accidents. Methods 517 eyes injuries in 418 cases, which were caused by car accidents. Results We found high percentage of young and mid - aged adult patients, comprehensive injury, dual-eye injury, preorbital bone fracture, and optic nerve injury. Among 517 eyes injuries of 418 cases, 7 eyes in 4 cases died due to the joint effect from the severe injury of other tissues; 20 eyes lost the eyeballs by the server injury; The eyesight of 65 eyes recovered up to 0.2; the eyesight of 94 eyes recovered up to 0.3 -0.5; the eyesight of 212 eyes recovered up to 0.6 - 0.8 ; and the eyesight of 119 eyes recovered greater than 0.8. Conclusions In the case of eye injury by car accidents, more prevention shouht be taken at the first place. As for the comprehensive injury, the injury of other tissues needs to be considered. As for the injury on the preorbital bone, the nerve injury needs to be diagnosed and treated carefully. As for the severe dual -eye injury, the decision on the eyeball has to be careful. The injury on the face needs the non invasive treatment to avoid the scar.
机构地区 解放军 解放军
出处 《眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 北大核心 2008年第9期717-718,共2页 Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries
关键词 车祸 眼外伤 ocular injury traffic accident
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