

Recognition technique for short-time power quality disturbance and its application
摘要 在短时电能质量扰动信号分析过程中,研究不同的信号检测分类方法与相关算法相结合的实时处理技术。通过对扰动信号奇异点的检测,准确地定位扰动的起始时刻、持续时间和扰动幅度,对扰动信号进行准确分类,同时尽可能减少信号处理过程中的计算量,充分满足短时电能质量扰动监测的实时性要求。 The real-time treatment technique combining various signal detecting and classifying methods and relevant algorithms is studied for short-time power quality disturbance signal analysis. By detecting the singularity point of the disturbance waveform, the beginning time, the lasting period, and the disturbance range can be obtained accurately. The disturbance signal can be classified, and calculations needed in the classification process can be reduced, which meets the real-time requirements for short-time power quality disturbance monitoring.
出处 《华东电力》 北大核心 2008年第8期34-37,共4页 East China Electric Power
基金 南京理工大学科研发展基金项目(XKf07049)
关键词 电能质量 短时扰动 小波变换 扰动识别技术 power quality short-time disturbance wavelet transform disturbance recognition technique
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