

Research on Service Discovery Supporting Business Applications
摘要 现有的服务发现研究大多基于功能,以服务为粒度考察服务.而服务是以操作为粒度与用户进行交互的.服务发现与使用粒度上的差异,使服务不能发挥最大效能.为此提出了一种从业务层面,以操作为粒度,考察服务对用户需求业务适用程度的服务发现方法.通过定义面向业务应用的服务与用户需求描述模型,建立领域业务应用本体为服务提供者和使用者的业务级交互奠定基础.通过服务与用户业务需求的深层匹配,在发现可用服务及其操作的同时,对服务的业务规范性和业务完备性进行评估.最终给出了一种面向业务应用的服务发现方法. Current Service discovery researches mostly take services as the minimal functional modules,and observe the capability of services according to their function descriptions. It cannot fulfill the demands of applying discovery results to construct the practical business applications. So the paper purposes the service discovery method,which pay attention to measure the applicability of services at the business level. It defines business-oriented service/request description method,and builds the domain business ontology as domain business descriptive standard,so that services providers and users can communicate with each other at the business level. Based on these works it realizes the deep matchmaking between candidate services and requests, which finally finds the suitable services and evaluates their business applicability from two aspects, i.e. business-standardized degree and business-completeness degree. All of these make up of the effective solution of business-oriented service discovery.
作者 叶蕾 张斌
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期1590-1598,共9页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家"十五"重点科技攻关项目(2004BA721A05)资助
关键词 面向业务应用的服务发现 领域业务应用本体 业务级的语义服务匹配 服务的业务适用性 business-oriented service discovery domain business ontology business-level semantic matchmaking business appli- cability of service
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