寿天德于1982年在中国科学技术大学建立了视觉研究实验室,确定以研究视觉信息处理的中枢机制为主要研究方向.1997年寿天德调离中国科学技术大学到复旦大学工作,建立该校脑科学研究中心并担任主任,中国科学技术大学视觉研究实验室由周逸峰负责.视觉研究实验室成立以来共承担各类研究课题30余项,总经费800多万元,发表国内外核心刊物论文100余篇,其中国际核心刊物论文60余篇,被国际同行引用400次以上.2007年在"Neurobiology of Aging"上发表的一篇论文被科技部中国科学技术信息研究所评选为第一届"中国百篇最具影响优秀国际学术论文".视觉研究实验室成员曾获得中国科学院自然科学二等奖和一些个人奖项.2002年起与美国犹他大学Leventhal教授合作进行有关哺乳动物视觉系统衰老机制的研究,获NIH子课题及国家基金委重大国际合作项目资助,合作研究成果发表在SCIENCE上.2001年以来与美国南加州大学吕忠林教授合作进行有关弱视认知损害机制的研究,合作研究成果发表在美国科学院院刊(PNAS)上.视觉研究实验室主要成员开设了五门以上课程,曾荣获中国科学技术大学首批优秀课程奖.共指导学士论文50余篇,硕士论文20篇,博士论文21篇.
In 1982, the Vision Research Laboratory in USTC was founded by Prof. Tiande Shou, whose research was focused on visual information processing in the central nervous system. In 1997, Dr. Yifeng Zhou was appointed Director of the Vision Research Lab after Prof. Shou left for Fudan University. The Vision Research Lab has undertaken more than 30 research projects since 1982, with the total grant support exceeding 8 million yuan. More than 60 papers were published in international journals, with more than 400 citations. A paper published in Neurobiology of Aging was selected as one of China's 100 Most Influential International Research Papers in 2007 by the Institute of Science and Technology Information of China. Members of the Lab have won many national awards, including Second Awards of Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Vision Research Lab has wide collaborations with other labs in the world: ① a joint research project with Professor Zhonglin Lu from University of South California on the mechanism of amblyopia resulted in a paper published in PNAS in 2008; ② collaboration with Professor Audie Leventhal from University of Utah on the mechanisms of aging in the mammalian visual system. The project was funded by a NIH subcontract and the Natural Science Foundation of China, and the result was published in Science in 2003. Furthermore, members of the Lab opened five courses; one of which won a course award from USTC. The Lab has supervised more than 50 Bachelor's theses, 20 Master theses, and 21 PhD dissertations.