
提高螺栓孔挤压强化合格率的可行性分析 被引量:1

Feasibility Analysis of Eligibility Rate of Extruding and Strengthing for the Bolt Holes
摘要 针对飞机提高疲劳寿命问题,在飞机的主要承力部位如起落架梁、下壁板的螺栓孔处进行挤压强化,可以大大提高飞机的强度,对飞机延寿具有极其重要意义。在实际生产过程中,挤压孔的合格率一直较低,通过大量的数据试验和详细的分析研究,查找出提高螺栓孔挤压强化合格率的瓶颈问题,对飞机生产单位提高产品质量具有重要参考价值。 In order to prolong the fatigue life of new-type domestic fighter, the bolt holes at the crucial stressed position such as undercarriage girders and the lower wainscot need extruding, which would increasingly increase the strength of the holes and has an important meanings to extend plane's lifespan. The eligibility rate of the bolt holes extrusion is usually lower in the practical ma:mfacture. It is a useful signification for reference that find out a key limitation to the eligibility rate of the bolt holes by means of trials and analyses for data so as to improve the product quality of aviation manufacturer.
出处 《飞机设计》 2008年第4期34-36,共3页 Aircraft Design
关键词 螺栓孔 挤压强化 挤压棒 疲劳寿命 bolthole extrution enhanced extrution stick fatigue life
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