
中国古代北方少数民族体育文化研究(下) 被引量:19

Study on Sports Culture of the Northern Minority in Ancient China(Part Ⅱ)
摘要 运用文献资料调研与考古等方法,分析古代北方少数民族体育教育训练、管理、竞赛、传承与交融等问题。古代北方少数民族体育教育训练存在官学与私学两种形式,并且随着社会进步其训练理论与方法不断发展;至南北朝时出现了专业运动团队,从元代开始有了专门的管理机构;北方少数民族在借鉴汉族做法的同时,也制定了适合本民族体育竞赛的规则。古代北方少数民族体育文化主要是通过生产实践、民俗、军事活动、宗教活动等途径传承,其交融主要受游牧文化与农耕文化具有互补性、民族心理感情和游牧民族对中原王朝的依附等因素影响;广泛的民族分布和各异的民俗风情、民族纷争与融合以及稳定的政治局面是交融的基础;交融的特征主要表现在体育文化的认同性和排他性、借鉴性与创新性、运动项目由生存技能性与军事实用性向娱乐消遣和健身性转变,具有专业化与大众化的互动性、历史发展的局限性。古代北方少数民族体育在促进民族交流和团结方面产生了巨大的历史作用,值得研究与借鉴。 With the methods of historical and archaeological documentation, a comprehensive analysis of the sports of the northern ethnic minorities in ancient society is made, including its physical education and training, management, competition, transmission and integration. It exists two forms with the governmental and personal physical education and training of ancient ethnic groups in northern China, and its training theories and methods continued to develop with the social progress;it appeared the specialized movement team during Southern and Northern Dynasties, it began to have special management agencies from the Yuan Dynasty; while profits from Han Nationality's, minority in the northern also formulated has suited this national sports competition the rule. The physical culture of the ancient minority in northern China mainly through the way of practice, folk, military activities, religious activities to inheritance, its integration is mainly moved by the impact of the factors of nomadic culture and farm- ing culture are complementary, the reflection of the national psychology feelings and nomads dependent on the Central Plains dynasty; the widespread national distribution and each different folk custom character and style, the national dispute and the fusion, the stable political scene are the basis for integration; the features of integration mainly displays in recognition and ex- clusive model and innovation of physical culture, the movement project from survival skills and military usefulness to the entertainment and leisure and fitness for change has the interaction between specialization and popularization, the limitations of history. The sports of the northern ethnic minorities in ancient society have great historical impacts on the promotion of ethnic communication and unity, which is of great importance in the study and development of modern national traditional sports.
作者 黄聪
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第9期33-44,73,共13页 China Sport Science
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(02BMZ007)
关键词 中国 古代社会 北方 少数民族 体育文化 China ancient society northern minorities physical culture
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