
逻辑推导的符号学思考 被引量:1

A Semiotic Perspective on Logical Reasoning
摘要 单从逻辑角度探讨推理,可能只注意到其中涉及的命题之间的思维规律;单从对符号性质的界定来看,似乎这只是简单的现象分类。假如把逻辑和符号放在一起进行互动研究,便可发现逻辑的运行是在不同认知层次上进行的。从符号语义结构的视角来探讨逻辑的运行,又可以发现符号语义结构本身的若干规律,表现出认知层次的差异,比如演绎逻辑是第二认知层次向第一认知层次的思维运行,归纳逻辑是第一认知层次向第二认知层次的运行,等等。这样做可以对古典皮尔斯的符号三分说有更好的认识,在分析上也有了进一步的突破,这是纯逻辑学和纯符号学之间跨学科研究的双赢现象。通过简明扼要地分析传统逻辑最有代表性的特点,并在认知高度对相应的逻辑现象从符号学的角度进行符号语义结构和性质的再定位,审视形式逻辑和自然逻辑推导这种动态符号学观,还有益于我们有的放矢地区分传统逻辑和语用逻辑,以便在原有逻辑学的基础上进一步开展语用推理的细度研究。 A pure logical study of reasoning can only reveal the rules of thought between propositions involved,while viewed purely from the nature of signs,only a simple classification can be obtained.Nevertheless,an interactive study of logic and semiotics indicates that the operation of logic is on different levels.The study of the operations of logic from the perspective of semiotic semantic structure can reveal some laws of the semiotic semantic structure itself,i.e.it also varies at different levels.For instance,deduction operates from the second cognitive level to the first level,while inductive logic operates from the first to the second,etc.This way of analysis sheds new light on and further develops Peirce's classification of signs into index,icon and symbol.This is a win-win phenomenon resulting from an interdisciplinary research of pure logic and pure semiotics.After a brief analysis of the representative views of traditional logic,a cognitive redefinition of relevant logic phenomenon from the perspective of semiotic structure and nature is proposed.This dynamic semiotic view,which puts formal logic and natural logic reasoning in the perspective of semiotics,enables us to make a goal-oriented distinction of traditional logic and pragmatic logic.Therefore,on the basis of existing logic,more refined research on pragmatic inference can be conducted.
作者 熊学亮
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第5期5-12,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 上海市重点学科建设资助项目(B105) 上海市哲学社会科学规划资助项目(2007BYY002)
关键词 逻辑 认知 符号 动态 logic cognition signs dynamiticity
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  • 1F. Harrison,Logic and Rational Thought, New York: West Publishing Company, 1992.
  • 2C. S. Peirce,"The Logic of Abduction,"in V. Tomas(eds. ) ,C. S. Peirce Essays in the Philosophy of Science, New York: Liberal Arts Press,1957,pp. 235- 255.
  • 3H. P. Grice," Logic and Conversation," in Studies in the Ways of Words, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989, pp. 22 - 40.











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