
“一体”、“两象”、“三关”和“四要”——新诗“标准”的现实构建策略 被引量:2

Strategies for the Actual Establishment of "Criteria" for New Verse
摘要 目前新诗标准建设已成当务之急,一定要重视诗体、想象与意象。新诗标准应该分为"写什么"的标准与"怎么写"的标准两大部分,但是后者远比前者重要。好的新诗应该是艺术地表现平民性情感的语言艺术。新诗应该在内容(写什么)上放开,实现真正的多元,形式(怎么写)上做适度限制,必须重视诗家语和诗体等诗的基本文体特征,重视诗的艺术性。没有好诗人就没有好诗,与其对新诗提出标准不如对新诗诗人提出标准,应该适度提高新诗行业的"准入"难度,新诗诗人应该过语言关、诗的知识关和诗的技巧关,诗人要重视学养、技巧、难度和高度。诗人写作需要重视"想象"和"意象"。 Nowadays the establishment of criteria for new verse has become an urgent matter, so due attention must be paid to the genre, imagination and images of verse. The criteria for new verse should fall into two main categories: criteria for "what to write" and those for "how to write" while the latter is much more important than the former. Good new verse should be an art of language for expressing universal emotions artistically. New verse should be open in content while moderately restrictive in form, and stress should be laid on basic stylistic features and on the artistry of verse. Moreover, some strict requirements should be raised on new poets and priority should be given to "imagination" and "images" in verse creation.
作者 王珂
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第3期42-47,共6页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 2006年福建省社会科学规划项目"新诗诗体的历史考察与构建策略研究"成果之一.项目编号:2006B2034
关键词 新诗 新诗标准 艺术 技巧 学养 new verse standards for new verse art techniques self-cultivation
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