
北京市平原区公路绿化绿量测算 被引量:2

Study on Green Quantity of Green Space along Road Systems in Beijing Plain Area
摘要 对公路绿地生态服务功能进行计量研究有助于对公路绿化无形价值的深入了解。以北京市顺义区顺平路(S305)的绿化植物群落为研究对象,运用WinSCANOPY For Canopy Analysis冠层分析仪采集数据,研究了常见公路绿化植物及配置模式的绿量率,并建立了25种常见公路绿化植物的绿量率模型,以期为公路绿化树种选择和群落配置提供基础分析与参考。结果表明:阔叶乔木的绿量率在3.02~4.80之间,针叶乔木的绿量率集中在4~6之间,灌木植物的绿量率较小,但是种植紧凑的绿篱绿量率达到3.94。不同配置模式的群落绿量率大小顺序依次为:针阔混交林>阔叶林>针叶林>灌木群落。其研究结果为公路绿化建设和绿地生态效益的计量提供了科学依据。 Studying on ecological service function of road green space is useful to understand intangible value of road greening. Taking the communities along Shunpin Road ( S305 ) in Beijing Shunyi District as research objects and collecting data by WinSCANOPY For Canopy Analysis, the green quantity ratio of common road greening plants and different plant disposition models and green quantity ratio models of 25 plants were studied in this paper. The results showed that the green quantity ratio of broadleaf forest and coniferous forest was between 3. 02 - 4. 80 and 4 ~ 6, respectively. The green quantity ratio of shrub was relatively small, but still could be reached 3.94 in the closely planted hedge model. The green quantity ratio of different disposition model was in the order of mixed wood 〉 broadleaf forest 〉 coniferous forest 〉 shrub communities.
出处 《林业科技开发》 2008年第5期28-31,共4页 China Forestry Science and Technology
基金 北京市路政局课题“北京市公路生态绿化技术研究”(编号:20070707)
关键词 公路绿化 绿量率 生态服务价值 Road greening WinSCANOPY Green quantity ratio Ecological service value
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