
TD-SCDMA中一种新的空分多址实现算法 被引量:1

New Spatial Division Multiple Access Implementation Technique for TD-SCDMA
摘要 利用TD-SCDMA中上下行信道的对称性,提出一种在基站侧进行发送信号处理以实现空分多址的算法,并分析了其计算复杂度。该算法通过对空时二维信号的处理,发送空时二维信号构成一个矩阵,利用矩阵的零子空间以实现空分多址。该算法无需改变终端结构,在基站侧安装8根天线,就可以以适中的计算复杂度取得系统容量的数倍提高。 By employing the symmetric property of the uplink and downlink channel, a transmit signal processing technique is proposed, which can lead to spatial division multiple access (SDMA) for time divisionsynchronous code division multiple access (TD-SCDMA). With space and time two dimensional signal, a matrix is constructed, and the null space of the matrix is utilized to realize SDMA. The complexity of this technigue is analyzed. Without any changes in the user equipment, this technique can increase the capacity several times with moderate complexity.
作者 胡东伟 陈杰
出处 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期668-672,共5页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
关键词 零子空间 TD-SCDMA 发送信号处理 空分多址 空时信号处理 null space TD-SCDMA transmit signal processing SDMA space time processing
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