
Nafion~-TiO_2复合膜的红外光谱研究 被引量:1

IR study of Nafion~-TiO_2 composite membranes
摘要 采用原位化学反应(in-situ chemical reaction)法制备了Nafion-TiO2复合膜,利用X射线衍射(XRD)、红外衰减全反射法(FT-IR-ATR)和红外(FT-IR)压片法对Nafion膜及Nafion-TiO2复合膜的结构进行了表征。首次用砂纸打磨的方法制备了Nafion膜的粉末试样,并成功地应用于红外光谱的测试与分析。研究表明砂纸打磨的方法操作更简便,并且所获得的复合膜的结构信息更全面。Nafion膜的孔腔内掺入了纳米级TiO2粒子,TiO2粒子的加入对膜的主体结构没有改变。 Proton exchange membranes are the key part of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) and Nation membrane has been used most frequently. Nation - TiO2 composite membranes were prepared by in - situ chemical reaction technique in this paper. XRD, FT - IR - ATR and FT - IR methods were employed to character- ize the structural change of the membranes. Nafion powder for IR measurement was prepared for the first time by sand paper polishing way. More information can be obtained when the sample was prepared with sand paper polishing way and the method is more simple and convenient than other ways. The results show that the nanosized TiO2 were doped in the Nation membranes and did not change the main structure of the Nation membranes.
出处 《黑龙江大学自然科学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第4期510-513,518,共5页 Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University
基金 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(205050 206044) 黑龙江省教育厅2007年科学技术研究指导资助项目(11523039) 黑龙江省科技攻关资助项目(GC04A207)
关键词 Nation-TiO2复合膜 红外光谱 原位化学反应 Nation -TiO2 composite membrane IR spectra in situ chemical reaction
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