
旅游景区对游客的保护义务——以吴文景等诉厦门市康健旅行社有限公司、福建省永春牛姆林旅游发展服务有限公司人身损害赔偿纠纷案例展开的讨论 被引量:1

About Tourist Sites' Duty of Tourist-Protection
摘要 旅游景区与游客形成旅游服务合同关系,当景区未尽合理限度范围内的保护义务致游客伤害,既要承担违约责任,又要承担侵权法律责任。在发生责任竞合的情况下,由原告选择确定请求权基础。英美法系可预见性理论是判断景区是否履行合理限度范围内义务的一种标准,也是判断景区是否有过错的标准,值得借鉴。相当因果关系理论有助于确定造成损害后果的原因,但无法解决数个原因行为对损害后果影响力的大小,无法解决多因一果中责任的分担,应根据过错程度或原因力比例确定各自的责任。 A tourist site is in a service contract relation with tourists, and is to bear liability of contract violation and bear legal responsibility of infringement, if it fails to fulfill its duty of protection in a reasonable extent limit and thus leads to tourists' impairment. It,is up to the demandant to choose and determine the basis of claim right if there is liability concurrence. The prospection theory of Anglo-American law system is a criterion of determining whether a tourist site fulfills its duty in a reasonable extent limit and therefore a criterion of determining whether a tourist site is liable for wrongs, which is worth learning. The causal relationship theory of correspondence conduces to the determination of the cause of impairment, but cannot solve the respective liabilities when there exist several causes, or the share of several causes of one case of impairment, which should be determined by the wrong - doing degree or the proportion of the causal effect.
作者 杨晓红
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期133-139,共7页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 旅游景区 游客 保护义务 可预见性理论 不可抗力 原因力 tourist site tourist protection duty prospection theory irresistible effect causal effect
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