
试论孙思邈和希波克拉底医德理念与现代医学生医德教育 被引量:1

Morals principles of SUN Si-miao and Hippocrates and today' medical ethics eduaction for medical students
摘要 医学是一门生命科学。医生职业素质和道德水平的高低,直接关系着患者的生命与健康,医学院校的学生应当从理论和实践的结合上理解医学道德的重要性。古今中外,有许多著名的医家,以他们高尚的医德、精湛的医术而流芳百世。在医德方面影响力最大的,当首推中国的孙思邈和希腊的希波克拉底。孙思邈的医德论述,为后世医家所推崇。希波克拉底是西方医学科学之父,其誓言已经成为西方众多医学院校的毕业典礼上的宣誓词。两者的医德观,分别代表了中西方医德的理念,其共同的医德理念认为,品行兼优是作为一名合格医生的准则,对病人必须一视同仁。这些医德理念对于我们今天的医学生培养仍然具有指导意义。在医学教育中,应当通过多种形式将医德教育融人到医学生学习的各个环节。 Medicine is a life science. Doctor' s professional quality and the level of moral standards directly affect patient's life. The medical students therefore should be aware of the importance of medical ethics from the theoretical and practical understanding. In the long history of ancient and modem society, there are many well-known physicians who with their exquisite art and lofty medical ethics have left their good names for hundreds years and generations. And in medical ethics, the biggest influence is from ancient famous traditional Chinese medical doctor SUN Si-miao and ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. Medical ethics elaboration by SUN Si-miao is highly esteemed by the later generations. And Hippocrates is regarded as the "father of medicine". Hippocrates' oath has become the sworn word of many western medical institutions at their graduation ceremonies. The medical ethics of both the Chinese and Western medical ethics each represents their own concept where two different times, different social environment in which, by the thinking of different ideas, make them the medical ethics differently. While Hippocrates' s idea for evaluation of doctors pay greater attention to those who are or are not talent, SUN Si-miao' s, however, to hard working. But in medicine and in the cultivation on virtues, the two have a common concept of medical ethics. The concepts include the idea that good moral character and behavior are the criteria for qualified doctors and patients should be treated equally. These concepts of medical ethics are still of guiding significance to today's medical students in our culture and will be melted into all aspects of student' s learning through various forms of medical ethics education in teaching.
作者 张前进
出处 《中华医学教育杂志》 2008年第3期51-52,72,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education
关键词 中西医德理念 医德教育 孙思邈 希波克拉底 Morals porinciple of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine Medical ethics education SUN Si-miao Hippocrates
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