Objective To build mathematical models for diagnosing pathological grades (G) and stages (S) of chronic hepatitis, and to evaluate the practical value of serum immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA and IgM) for differentiating pathological grading and staging of chronic hepatitis. Methods 172 patients with chronic hepatitis B were enrolled into present study. "Fhe specimens of liver biopsy were diagnosed for pathological grading and staging. Serum immunoglobulins were determined by inmmnoturbidimetric assay. Taking pathological grading and staging as the grouping variables, and serum IgG, IgA and IgM as the independents, the Fisher's linear discriminant functions were built by Bayes's stepwise discriminant analysis. Results Serum IgG and IgA levels were both correlated significantly with pathological grading (rs=0.324. P=0.001) and rs =0.468,P =0.000) and pathological staging (r = 0.201, P =0.008 and r =0.254,P = 0.001 ) ; serum IgM levels was not correlated significantly with not only pathological grading but also pathological staging (r= 0. 046, P= 0. 547, and r= 0. 104,P = 0. 176). Only serum IgG levels were entered into the discriminant functions according to the entry criteria of the independents. The correctly classified rates for pathological grading of the original grouped cases by the discriminant models were 66.67% for G1, 14. 44% for G2, 30. 61 % for G3, 66. 67% for G4, respectively; and the total correctly classified total rate of the original grouped cases was 29.07%; The correctly classified rates for pathological staging of the original grouped cases by the discriminant models were 50.00% for S0, 2.94% for S1, 13.95% forS2. 27.12% for S3, 50.00% for S4, respectively; and the total correctly classified total rate of the original grouped cases was 60.71%. Conclusion The mathematical models have practical value to some extent, and only serum IgG of immunoglobulins has practical value to some extent for differentiating pathological gradings and stagings of chronic hepatitis.
Chinese Hepatology
Discriminant analysis
Mathematical model