
投资现代农业 播种绿色商机

Seeding the Morden Agriculture
摘要 高盛为何养猪 国际著名投资银行高盛斥资数亿美元,在中国生猪养殖的重点地区湖南、福建一带收购了十余家专业养猪场。美国华尔街最大的投资银行——高盛,如此大的动作投资养猪,让我们对养殖业,对现代农业的价值有了重新认识。 The human-beings's need for foodstuff is increasing day after day,as well as their thirst for'Healthy Food'.The blending of the agrculture,the oldest industry in history,and the modern technoledge brings about enormous space for investigation.In China,a group of hi-tech corporations which roots at the modern agriculture is growing up quickly,which benefits the human-beings while impresing the investors.
作者 谭志娟
出处 《中国电子商务》 2008年第9期32-37,6,共6页 E-commerce in China
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