
决策者有限理性的心理根源探析 被引量:2

Bounded Rationality of the Decision-maker:A Psychology Approach
摘要 针对古典决策理论中"完全理性"假说的不足,西蒙提出了"有限理性说"。关于有限理性的原因争论很多,文章从心理学角度分析了有限理性的内在心理根源:决策者感知觉和记忆能力的有限性、注意资源的限制、思维的偏误、情绪等造成决策者的有限理性。有限理性可以分为"理性不能"和"理性不为"两种。 In view of the hypothesis of "complete rationality" in classical decision-making theory, Simon proposed the concept of "bounded rationality", but there are many arguments about its reason. This article analyzes the intrinsic reason of "bounded rationality" from a psychological approach: the decision-maker's limitation of sensation and memory ability, the limitation of his attention resource, the thought bias, the mood and so on, which may lead to his bounded ra- tionality. "bounded rationality", may be divided into "unable oriented bounded rationality" and "don't want oriented bounded rationality".
作者 张学军
出处 《电子科技大学学报(社科版)》 2008年第3期64-67,共4页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 决策者 有限理性 心理学 decision-maker bounded rationality psychology
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