目的研究定时作业和多作业协调机制在SQL Server 2005数据库系统中的实现方法.方法采用定时作业和多作业协调机制来有效地优化系统资源,设计基于多定时作业协调方式的管理系统软件及硬件结构方案;使用了两种多作业协调的方法.结果以某大型矿山B/S企业综合系统为例,建立了以多作业协调机制为核心的后台数据库动态管理系统,通过在定时作业中调用存储过程对系统数据库中的数据进行整理、备份、更新和汇总运算,并运用多作业协调机制实现多个定时作业的高效执行.结论工程应用证明在大型数据库系统中,多作业协调机制可以有效地解决数据冗余问题,提高了系统响应速率.
The implementation method of timed job and multi- job mechanism in SQL Server 2005 data base system is studied. The mechanism of timed job and multi - job were used to optimize the system resource effectively. The software and hardware framework of management system based on multi - timed job coordination mechanism was proposed. Two multi- job coordination methods were used. Take a certain big mine's comprehensive management database as an example, the background dynamic database with multi - job coordination mechanism as kernel was built. The data of database were arranged, copied, refreshed, collected and analyzed through calling the store procedure in timed job. The multi - timed job was implemented with high efficiency by using multi - job coordination mechanism. The engineering application proves that multi- job coordination mechanism can solve the data redundancy problem effectively and improve the system' s response speed.
Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University:Natural Science