
《印度之行》中的权力和话语 被引量:8

Power and Discourse in A Passage to India
摘要 《印度之行》里,不同的种族、性别、政治和社会话语相互冲撞、交织、聚合,形成一个紧张的话语场。福柯的权力和话语的理论以及社会语言学理论有助于我们从知识与话语、规训与身体等方面分析文本里所隐含父权殖民社会的规训权力的运作机制,揭示权力对个体的腐蚀,展示权力客体对规训进行的反抗以及新话语在抵制抗衡中产生,从而重新解读福斯特作品。 In A Passage to India, different kinds of race, gender, political and social discourses collide, interweave and fuse with each other, forming a discursive field full of tension. Foucauh's power and discourse theo- ry and some sociolinguistic theories can help us to conduct a tentative study on the power strategies in the text from the perspective of knowledge and discourse, surveillance and body, etc. , and to analyze the working mechanism of surveillance power hidden behind patriarchal and colonial society. Therefore it can expose how power corrupts individuals; how the power's objects resist surveillance power and how new discourses are reproduced during the resistance. The author hopes to offer a new perspective to reread Foster's work.
作者 王苹
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期149-154,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 《印度之行》 知识和话语 规训与身体 权力与性话语 抵抗与新话语 A Passage to India knowledge and discourse surveillance and body power and sex discourses resistance and new discourses
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